Meet Rey

Rey Canseco moved to Santa Barbara in his teens and found Santa Barbara to be the paradise he was looking for. He met his wife, Enedina, and they raised two boys, Michael and Reynaldo. Rey’s passion for working outdoors eventually sparked his interest in starting his landscape business in 1990.

Over the years, Rey has gained a wealth of knowledge in landscaping and customer service. His welcoming personality, work ethic, and pride in his work have led him to build a thriving local business by retaining clients for over 35 years.

He loves spending time outdoors and giving back to his community.

Meet Michael

Michael Canseco, the eldest of the sons, grew up with an appreciation for education thanks to his parents and community. Before attending Vassar College in NY, he attended local schools at Harding, Crane School, and Cate School. He found his passion for problem-solving there and earned his BA in Economics.

After college, he moved back to Santa Barbara to start his professional career in sales and business development. This eventually led him to San Francisco for a few years to work in the tech industry. He is now back in his hometown and is happily married.

Michael is grateful to be able to help with the family business using the skills he’s gained over the last 10+ years.